‘Violent Night’ is funny and exciting, ‘does it all right,’ says critic

In “Violent Night,” John Leguizamo stars as the leader of mercenaries trying to kidnap a wealthy family. Credit: YouTube.

Critics review the latest film releases. “Violent Night” is a dark comedy about elite mercenaries who take a family hostage on Christmas Eve, only to find that Santa Claus there too. “Return to Seoul” is about a 25-year-old French adoptee who tries to find her biological family in Korea. “Spoiler Alert” is based on Michael Ausiello’s memoir about his partner’s life after being diagnosed with cancer. “Four Samosas” follows a wannabe rapper who conspires with three friends to heist a grocery store owned by his ex-girlfriend’s father.



  • Alonso Duralde - film critic; co-host, Linoleum Knife movie podcast; author, "Hollywood Pride: A Celebration of LGBTQ+ Representation and Perseverance in Film" - @ADuralde
  • Katie Walsh - film reviewer for the Tribune News Service, the Los Angeles Times, and The Wrap - @katiewalshstx