Andrew Blum

author of “The Weather Machine” and “Tubes”


Author of The Weather Machine and Tubes: A Journey to the Center of the Internet; former technology writer for Wired and Newsweek magazines and contributing editor at Metropolis

Andrew Blum on KCRW

Are you planning to leave town a week or so from now? Chances are you’ll check a weather app to figure out what to pack. And you’ll probably wind up with the right outfits.

A journey inside the weather forecasting machine

Are you planning to leave town a week or so from now? Chances are you’ll check a weather app to figure out what to pack. And you’ll probably wind up with the right outfits.

from Design and Architecture

The internet seems virtual but it’s “primarily made of fiber optic cables, cables filled with light,” according to “Tubes” author Andrew Blum.

Undersea Cables Connect LA to the Pacific Rim

The internet seems virtual but it’s “primarily made of fiber optic cables, cables filled with light,” according to “Tubes” author Andrew Blum.

from Design and Architecture

New deals involving Comcast and other companies could have an impact on the quality, content and price of your Internet service.

Comcast and the Internet's Future

New deals involving Comcast and other companies could have an impact on the quality, content and price of your Internet service.

from To the Point

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LA Mayor Karen Bass says the Supreme Court’s decision to allow bans on homeless encampments could lead to mass incarceration. Will it change the city’s strategy?

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Paralysis from the chest down as a result of serving in the U.S.

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Neighborhood concerns over new housing, including evictions, are spurring the latest changes to Mayor Bass’ signature affordable housing policy, Executive Directive 1.

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After his felony conviction, Donald Trump wants to secure a lot of cash from tech and business sector donors at three fundraisers in California this week.

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Actor Alec Baldwin will stand trial for involuntary manslaughter over a fatal shooting on the set of his film “Rust” after months of complicated delays.

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