Owen Matthews

Moscow Bureau Chief, Newsweek


Moscow Bureau Chief for Newsweek and author of Stalin's Children: Three Generations of Love and War

Owen Matthews on KCRW

The US is estimated to have 2000 nuclear warheads; Russia has roughly 1000 more. Both have agreed to reduce the number to 1500 or so, but that doesn't mean that it's easy.

US and Russia Near Agreement on New Arms Deal

The US is estimated to have 2000 nuclear warheads; Russia has roughly 1000 more. Both have agreed to reduce the number to 1500 or so, but that doesn't mean that it's easy.

from To the Point

Barack Obama is in Moscow for a two-day trip, and appears to be on track with his goal of ending the long chill between the US and its former cold war enemy.

Can Obama 'Reset' Relations with Russia?

Barack Obama is in Moscow for a two-day trip, and appears to be on track with his goal of ending the long chill between the US and its former cold war enemy.

from Which Way, L.A.?

Barack Obama is in Moscow for a two-day trip, and appears to be on track with his goal of ending the long chill between the US and its former cold war enemy.

Can Obama 'Reset' Relations with Russia?

Barack Obama is in Moscow for a two-day trip, and appears to be on track with his goal of ending the long chill between the US and its former cold war enemy.

from To the Point

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