Scott Baldauf

Africa Bureau Chief, Christian Science Monitor


Africa Bureau Chief for the Christian Science Monitor, based in Johannesburg, South Africa

Scott Baldauf on KCRW

With roughly a billion fans expected to watch on TV, the  World Cup  will be living up to its name. It's been held every four years since 1930, with two exceptions during World War II.

World Cup Preparations in South Africa

With roughly a billion fans expected to watch on TV, the World Cup will be living up to its name. It's been held every four years since 1930, with two exceptions during World War II.

from Which Way, L.A.?

The  World Cup  has been held every four years since 1930, with two exceptions during World War II.

World Cup Preparations in South Africa

The World Cup has been held every four years since 1930, with two exceptions during World War II.

from To the Point

Today marks another anniversary that rocked the world: it was 20 years ago that  Nelson Mandela  was released from a prison on Robben Island.

Twenty Years Since Mandela Was Released from Robben Island

Today marks another anniversary that rocked the world: it was 20 years ago that Nelson Mandela was released from a prison on Robben Island.

from To the Point

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