Caren Cowan

Executive Director, New Mexico Cattle Growers Association


Executive Director of the New Mexico Cattle Growers Association

Caren Cowan on KCRW

Mexican gray wolves are the most endangered mammal in the United States.  In 1998, the Clinton Administration began a  recovery program  on 4 million acres of mostly public land in New…

Will the Mexican Wolf Survive the Obama Administration?

Mexican gray wolves are the most endangered mammal in the United States.  In 1998, the Clinton Administration began a recovery program on 4 million acres of mostly public land in New…

from Which Way, L.A.?

President Obama is focused on climate change and what it could mean for the future of Planet Earth.  What about trade-offs that have to be made right now?

Will the Mexican Wolf Survive the Obama Administration?

President Obama is focused on climate change and what it could mean for the future of Planet Earth.  What about trade-offs that have to be made right now?

from To the Point

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The last time the United States saw large scale student anti-war protests was in response to the Vietnam War in 1968 and today against the genocide in Gaza.

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Is a Hunter Biden plea deal the best thing for his father’s campaign? Why has Joe Biden’s executive order upset pretty much everyone?

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Metro is gathering comments on six possible options for a rail line over – or tunneled under – the Sepulveda Pass. Some in Bel Air are ready to fight them all.

from KCRW Features

While the 13th Amendment is often revered for putting an end to American slavery, what many don’t realize is how it represented the middle of America’s continuous relationship with…

from Scheer Intelligence

Santa Ana voters will decide whether to extend voting rights in city elections to non-U.S. citizens in November.

from KCRW Features

A last-minute change will allow restaurants to keep adding surcharges despite a law that was supposed to make them illegal.

from Good Food

Are Trump’s campaign promises a cause for concern? KCRW also discusses activism in journalism and the role of school vouchers in closing achievement gaps.

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In this episode of Scheer Intelligence, host Robert Scheer is joined by author Natalie Foster, president and co-founder of the Economic Security Project, a network dedicated to…

from Scheer Intelligence

Are threats to a free press signs of bigger issues in Israel? Did Kristi Noem risk a shot at becoming VP to troll the left? Plus, we discuss bias in political satire.

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