Carl Cannon

Real Clear Politics


Washington Editor for Real Clear Politics and co-author of Boy Genius: Karl Rove, the Brains Behind the Remarkable Political Triumph of George W. Bush; former Executive Editor at Politics Daily and White House correspondent for the National Journal

Carl Cannon on KCRW

Since the days of Ronald Reagan, it's been an article of Republican faith that cutting taxes liberates money for the business investments that create jobs and increase prosperity.

Tax Cuts and the National Debt

Since the days of Ronald Reagan, it's been an article of Republican faith that cutting taxes liberates money for the business investments that create jobs and increase prosperity.

from Which Way, L.A.?

On tax day, nobody wants to talk about paying more but, despite the Republicans' 30-year line in the sand, that may be unavoidable, and it won't be just the richest Americans.

Today's Taxes and Tomorrow's Financial Problems

On tax day, nobody wants to talk about paying more but, despite the Republicans' 30-year line in the sand, that may be unavoidable, and it won't be just the richest Americans.

from To the Point

The late House Speaker Sam Rayburn liked to say that in Washington, "if you want to get along, go along."

The Ugly Campaigns, Angry Voters of Midterm Elections 2010

The late House Speaker Sam Rayburn liked to say that in Washington, "if you want to get along, go along."

from To the Point

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