Richard Arenberg

Brown University


A visiting lecturer at Brown University, Richard Arenberg is the co-author of Defending the Filibuster: The Soul of the Senate.

Richard Arenberg on KCRW

In splashy prime-time fashion  President Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch , a federal appellate court judge from Colorado to the US Supreme Court yesterday, fulfilling a campaign promise…

The brewing battle over Number 9

In splashy prime-time fashion President Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch , a federal appellate court judge from Colorado to the US Supreme Court yesterday, fulfilling a campaign promise…

from To the Point

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The last time the United States saw large scale student anti-war protests was in response to the Vietnam War in 1968 and today against the genocide in Gaza.

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Metro is gathering comments on six possible options for a rail line over – or tunneled under – the Sepulveda Pass. Some in Bel Air are ready to fight them all.

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Paralysis from the chest down as a result of serving in the U.S.

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LA Mayor Karen Bass says the Supreme Court’s decision to allow bans on homeless encampments could lead to mass incarceration. Will it change the city’s strategy?

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After his felony conviction, Donald Trump wants to secure a lot of cash from tech and business sector donors at three fundraisers in California this week.

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In this episode of Scheer Intelligence, host Robert Scheer is joined by author Natalie Foster, president and co-founder of the Economic Security Project, a network dedicated to…

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Hundreds of teachers are facing potential layoffs amid low enrollment and financial constraints at the Anaheim Union High School District.

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