Our wine expert, Robert Rogness, gives us tips on one of the greatest challenges to wine lovers – how to pair the perfect wine with different kinds of cuisine.
According to Robert, once you understand why a particular wine has certain characteristics (i.e., why a Terrano is so acidic or a Dry Lambrusco is so refreshing or an Alto Adige Kerner is so perfumed), and how those characteristics are used with food in its country of origin, you can then find culinary twins in other cultures and apply the same principles to match the wines. In other words, the same reason that Fino Sherry is so good with Tapas is what makes it excellent with a broad range of Dim Sum. The basic chemistries of acid, tannin, fruit and bubbles and how they work with fat, protein, spices and fruit acids does not change -- and understanding that gives you great tools to make magic with. That's when the fun really BEGINS!
The Wine Expo in Santa Monica is where you'll find Robert Rogness.
2933 Santa Monica Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90404